FCB Files Operating your Line 6 gear can be done by using the Line 6 floorboards. That is one way of doing it, however Line 6 gear cannot only be operated with the Line 6's FBV floorboards, but also (via MIDI / sysex) with other brands floorboards. To help those along that have other brands of floorboards here's some help on how to get it working. Please
1) The Line 6 gear and Line 6 FBV floorboards are designed to work together 2) Different brand floorboards could be designed for different purposes, however you can use them to work with Line 6 gear. 3) This page and info are in no way affiliated with Line 6. All other product names used in this website are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Line 6 or Vettaville. These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers. 4) These page(s) content is made by and with courtesy of Daniel Lemoine (a.k.a. TigerBill ) a Channel 6 forum member. 5) All changes made, could trigger malfunction of your gear, and could void your warranty, check your manuals before continuing. |
FCB 1010 Files info This Section gives you the possibillity to use a Behringer FCB 1010 floorpedal with the following Line 6 gear:
At the present time there also included a Flextone III Tuning Wizard, also made by Daniel Lemoine, scroll down to reach the different paragraph(s) FCB files General purpose
Source and courtesy of: Daniel Lemoine |
FCB 1010 with HD147 or Flextone III This Section gives you the possibillity to use a Behringer FCB 1010 floorpedal with a Line 6 Flextone III, currently test are done to see if the same files could be used for HD 147, when clear on that we'll post so.
Sysex files for FCB 1010 with Flextone III and HD 147
Source and courtesy of: Daniel Lemoine |
Tuner Wizard for Flextone III
Here a small application to adjust your Tuner in Flextone III, note this in not a Line 6 application but made by Daniel Lemoine. The Tuner Wizard is self-explanatory, just open expand the compressed file and run the application with your Flextone and Midi in & out connected. Here's a screenshot
Source and courtesy of: Daniel Lemoine |
FCB 1010 to work with POD xt Version 2.0 This Section gives you the possibillity to use a Behringer FCB 1010 floorpedal with a Line 6 POD Xt Version 2.0
Source and courtesy of: Daniel Lemoine |
FCB 1010 to work with POD xt Version 1.xx This Section gives you the possibillity to use a Behringer FCB 1010 floorpedal with a Line 6 POD Xt Version 1.xx
Source and courtesy of: Daniel Lemoine |
FCB 1010 to work with Flextone II or POD 2.0 This Section gives you the possibillity to use a Behringer FCB 1010 floorpedal with a Line 6 Flextone II and POD 2.0 .
Flextone II & POD 2.0 SysEx files
Source and courtesy of: Daniel Lemoine |
*Line 6®, Line 6 Inc., AX2, AxSys, BackTrack, BackTrack+Mic, Bass Floor POD®, Bass POD®, Bass POD® xt, Bass POD® xt Pro, Bass POD® xt Live, Constrictor™, Crunchtone™, Customtone, Duoverb, DL4™, DM4™, Echo Park™, Eight Ball, Filter Pro™, Flextone™, Floorboard, Floor POD®, Floor POD® Plus, FBV Express™, GearBox™, GearBox™ Plug-In, Guitarport™, GuitarPort® RiffTracker™, GuitarPort® xt, FM4™, HD147®, Jamware, JM4 Looper, LowDown, Liqua Flange™, M13, MM4™, MOD Pro, POD®, Pocket POD®, Pocket POD® Express, POD® FARM, POD® Studio, POD® xt, POD®xt Pro, POD® xt Live, POD® X3, POD® X3 Pro, POD® X3 Live, Rifftracker™, Roto Machine™, Space Chorus™, Spider™, Spider-Jam™, Spider-Valve™, ToneCore™, TonePort™, TubeTone, Ubermetal™, GX, UX1, UX2, UX8, Verbzilla™, Vetta™, Variax®, Variax® Acoustic, Variax® Workbench™ and Line 6 logos are trademarks of Line 6, Inc. RiffWorks, InstantDrummer™, Riffcaster, Rifflink and Sonoma Wire Works™ are trademarks of Sonoma Wire Works™. Atomic, Atomic Amps, LLC, Atomic Reactor 112, Atomic Reactor 112-50 and Atomic Reactor 212 are trademarks of Atomic Amps. Bose® and Bose® Personalized Amplification System™ are registered trademarks of Bose. T1 Tonematch, L1, All rights reserved. Vinny appears exclusively
for Vettaville.nl with courtesy of Vettaville Records Inc. All other product names used on this website are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Vettaville.nl or Vettaville.net. These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers to identify a certain tone or sound. Entire contents Copyright
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